When it comes to the best value in the laundry, nothing beats Dirt. While many liquid detergent brands are full of water to give you the perception of 'more', our ultra-concentrated formula isn’t. 

Packaged in a glass dispenser bottle that has a dosage measuring pump, you can measure the exact amount you need in every wash, which means no more spillage and more money going down the drain. 

But if you want to get into the nitty gritty, it’s important to look into the only true economic metric in laundry – cost per load. This refers to the cost it takes to do one load of laundry.

Comparing Cost Per Load

Let’s say you wash five loads of laundry per week (about the amount an average Australian household does), that adds up to 260 loads per year.

Let’s break down what you’re really spending—with Dirt’s new prices as of March 1st 2025, versus the supermarket brands.

How did we crunch the numbers?

Well, we started our research at Woolworths on January 31, 2025, and purchased Dynamo, OMO, Biozet and Earthwise full price in their regular and bulk sized packs.

We then calculated their individual cost per load and multiplied it by five (loads of washing per week), and again by 52 (weeks) and the results speak for themselves.


A Closer Look: Dirt Vs Supermarket Brands 

Based on 260 loads a year, we calculated the total cost per year of the supermarket brands vs our updated prices, in both regular and bulk size products. Here’s a breakdown of the numbers… 

If you Purchase Regular size


Cost per load

Total cost













Dirt (Starter Pack)



Based on the $164.45 average cost per year of the supermarket brands (regular size), you would save $65.65 a year if you made the switch to Dirt. 

If you Purchase Bulk size


Cost per load

Total cost








Bulk size unavailable





Dirt (Bulk)



Based on the $130 average cost per year of the supermarket brands (bulk size), you would save $52 a year if you made the switch to Dirt. 

One Last Thing - Plastic Per Load

While we're on the topic of cost per load, we’d be amiss not to mention the most mind-boggling statistic of all—the environmental cost.

Check out the plastic cost per load of a standard supermarket bottle versus a refill pack. Spoiler alert: We absolutely knock it out of the park in this department.  


Plastic per load

Bottle Weight


2L Bottle




450ml Refill




And this is not including the fact that more than 50% of the refill packs we send are on their second life or third life.

Cost per load can be measured in more ways than one, but we urge you to please stay vigilant in the laundry - it can be quite sticky business! 

Frankie Layton