Refunds and Exchanges

What the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Means

If you don't like it, don't keep it.

We've designed products we love, and we sure hope you will too. But if you don't, send it back within 30 days of delivery and we'll refund it.

Please note: we ask that you cover the return postage.

The nitty gritty details

How do I apply for a refund?

The easiest way to apply for a refund is to email us at, and let us know that's what you would like to do. We will talk you through the following steps.

1. We will confirm that you are eligible for a refund.

2. You send us back the products you wish to return, and add the tracking number so we can followup when it arrives at the warehouse.

3. We issue a refund for these purchases.

Please note, you are welcome to return products that have been used before, however we aren't able to resell them - they simply get donated. For that reason, we do not offer exchanges either.

Please also note, we do not cover the cost of return postage, unless the product was damaged of faulty.

Am I able to return everything?

There are a few things that we can't accept returns for.

These include:
* Gift cards
* Downloadable software products

Everything else is eligible for a return within 30 days of delivery.

Do you accept exchanges?

Products can be exchanged, however this will happen via the same process as returns. This is because we cannot resell or reuse open products.

1. You email and request a refund.

2. You send us your tracking number for the products you are returning.

3. We issue a refund for these purchases.

4. You purchase your preferred product.

What if my item is faulty or damaged?

We will always offer you a replacement for faulty or damaged items. Please just email us at, and we will help troubleshoot the matter with you.

What is your address?

Our warehouse is located at

25 Colebrook Street
Brunswick, 3056
VIC, Australia.

Please address the return to
The Dirt Company Returns