Our apporoach to doing 'less harm'
We do everything we can to ensure nothing unncessary is included in our products. We first reuse and then recycle absoutely everything we produce, without exception.
But there are other groups and people in the world, who are also tackling the same waste issues with innovative approaches and pure intentions, and we want to make certain we're learning from, and supporting these people too.
Which is why, we dedicate ourselves to various impact projects that help us reduce the amount of plastic waste suffocating our planet. To date, we have invested more than $100,000 on 'impact initatives'.
The Other Little Things
Recycled Cardboard Packing Materials
All our boxes are padded with cardboard shredded right here in our warehouse. Not only does it cushion the journey to your house, but it's also got some great uses in your home and garden.
Oz Harvest Product Donations
We would never throw away detergent just because there's a reason we can't sell it. We have an established relationship with OzHarvest, who distribute mixed laundry detergent where it's needed.
Soft Plastic Recycling
In manufacturing, there is some plastic we cannpt avoid. Palette wrap is the hardest of all, That's why we have a recycling partnership with Reground Melbourne, who take industrial plastic, and turn it into filler for other plastic prodcts.
“Never think that a small group of committed people can’t change the world. It is in fact the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead